It’s been two years of sewing blogging for me and I want to thank my dear readers!

Yes, I should probably take some new photos in my sewing room…. this one is over a year old and I don’t wear glasses anymore
Two short years ago I started posting sewing related blogs on this ol’ blog. I had been reading sewing blogs for longer than that and I actually had an eclectic anthropology-ish blog with a large following before that. So, I’ve actually been a blogger in other forms (including a short-lived beer and foodie blog and a dating blog) for about eight years now on different blogging platforms, but I’m celebrating my favorite incarnation — THIS BLOG! I believe I truly found my niche and passion when I became a part of the online sewing community and the people whom I’ve met in the SBC both online and IRL are truly some of the nicest and loveliest people I’ve ever encountered. I think sewing people are the BEST PEOPLE and because of that, I’d like to share some treasures from my beloved stash with you. 🙂
Before I get on to my giveaway(s), I wanted to tell y’all a little about the origins of this blog. This blog started out originally as a place where I shared info about our foster dogs. We rescued, rehabilitated and found new homes for 15 abandoned dogs as part of the Border Collie Rescue of Northern California. We decided to stop fostering indefinitely when we adopted our last foster dog (a 13 old named Tansy), which put us with five dogs, which is far more than we ever thought we’d have. Along with showcasing our foster dogs on this blog, I also planned on sharing a lot of things that went on around our ranch as well as sharing DIY and repurposing projects as we renovate things around here. Of course, sewing got in the way…. and I much preferred sharing things I made on here and that is how my blog evolved.
I chose the name “Mrs. Hughes” for my blog as that is not only my surname, but also as I have a love for Mrs. Hughes on Downton Abbey. 🙂 If you have ever pondered about a name for your blog, you know it surely isn’t easy and I definitely took the easy way out by using my name!
Now, for the giveaway!
I want to thank you all for your readership and friendship and found some gifts! These are patterns and fabrics from stash and I want to share. 🙂
I have two parcels that I will be giving away. Pick one and comment below to tell me which one you’d like. I will randomly choose a winner for each parcel via a random generator and announce it on here. Comment before 11:00 pm PST on November 21, 2o14. This giveaway is open worldwide.
Parcel #1
McCall’s 6696 — the perfect shirt dress pattern according to many sewists! I have two uncut patterns in each size range — 8-16 and 16-24 (I still have my own pattern on my sewing list to make — this isn’t it). Also included is 4 yards of a navy/lavender/coral floral border print cotton broadcloth that’s enough to make this dress.
Parcel #2
Christine Haynes Emery dress — a much-loved pattern! This is uncut and sized 0-16. Included is 2.5 yards of J Crew wine/gold rose print silk/cotton voile. It really isn’t quite enough to make the Emery, but I didn’t have any other suitable fabrics that I was willing to part with. I bought this fabric to make a blouse with and you could do the same or maybe pair it with a matching/contrasting fabric to make the Emery or maybe you could eke one out with it. Whatever your plan, if you win this it’s yours to do what you want!
Don’t forget to comment if you want to enter my giveaway!
Anyway, I’m happy to share some fabrics that I love! M6696 is on my list to make and I cannot wait to make it! I bought the Emery for myself, but decided that I didn’t really need it as it’s very similar to an already TNT pattern that I love to make — Butterick 5982.
Happy Sewing!
Thanks so much for the chance. Would love to win.
Omg!! The posting worked! Virtually immediately!
So I’ll add another – thank you – your blog is giving me a whole new perspective, enthusiasm and inspiration for sewing for me as I am now!!!!
Thank you! Gxx
Flipping Nora!! I posted yesterday and nothing came through! Blast!
Nevertheless – thank you for your blog, your comments and your photos – inspirational!!! Please keep on!!!
And if by chance the datelines & timezones are such that I’m still in the running – parcel 1 please!
With gratitude from downunder in Sydney!!
Love that material in parcel #1 so pretty.
I’m totally in love with parcel number 1!! <3
in love with fabrics! Parcel No. 2
The border print in Parcel #1 would make a lovely summer dress. I am in Australia and summer is heating up fast here.
In love with fabrics! Parcel No. 2 is just awesome. Mrs Hughes all of this is wonderful.
Happy blogversary! I love Parcel No. 2.
Happy blogiversary, Mrs Hughes! Such a nice giveaway, please enter me for parcel 2 cause I adore that fabric! Gold and roses, what’s not to love?
Parcel #1 is my loveliness!
Happy Blogiversary! Great giveaway. Ooh.vi can’t secide which one I want. Enter me for parcel one please 🙂
Happy Blogiversary!!!
I really like the Parcel # 2
Happy Blogiversary, I think I’d go with Parcel No. 2 – awesome giveaway and I’m enjoying reading your blog.
Happy Blogiversary! I would love parcel number 1. The print on the fabric is beautiful!!
I would love to win parcel number 2 🙂
Aren’t you a gem! It’s so sweet of you to share with us in celebration of your anniversary. That first package definitely caught my eye. You have a great way of putting fabric and patterns together!
Happy Blogiversary & what a lovely giveaway. Id personally love parcel 1 because shirt dresses are the best. Loved that you shared the origin of your blog name…mine, well, its named after my favourite beer 😉
I would absolutely love to have Parcel #2. I love this pattern.
Congrats! I found your blog from Pattern Review and it has been very helpful for my own sewing journey. Thank you for being so inspiring. Parcel #1 is fantastic.
That’s awesome, I love your blog. Hope you continue for many years to come. I’d love parcel #2 if I won. Thanks for the giveaway.
Congratulations! Totally laughing over here I have the fabric and the pattern in parcel 1 in my stash and I’ve been debating whether to make it into that or into B5982
Congratulations on the blog birthday 🙂 I really love the border print of Parcel #1 with such pretty colours 🙂
Happy Sewing Blog Anniversary! Lovely prizes — I would choose the McCall’s 6696 parcel if I won.
Thanks so much for celebrating with us! Your blog and projects are an inspiration to me. I vote for parcel #1!
I would love to be included in the drawing. I like #1.
Well Mrs. Hughes what a lovely thing to do. I adore that border print – would make an amazing shirtdress. And the story about the dogs – 15 dogs. Not sure how you did it. I would end up falling in love with them and not be willing to rehome them.
How lovely – two years of inspiring others like me! And how amazing, my middle name is Tansy. I would love parcel 1 if I’m lucky enough to win. Your beautiful blog makes me happy xxxxxx
What a great accomplishment to greet your 2nd year of blogging! How sweet of you to celebrate with your readers! I’d choose Parcel #2 as I love that fabric!
Congratulations!! I`m a German (bavarian) fan of your blog and I really like your sewings!! I also like your fotos!!
My favorite is # 2
I really like #2! Thanks for the chance!
I like parcel #1. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a great day!
dawnm1993 at gmail dot com
Mrs Hughes and Carson are my favourites!!
If I was lucky enough to win I would prefer #1
I’ve been following your blog for a while now, it’s one of my favorites! I think you have a great sense of style, and I’m super-envious of you living on a ranch! I’d like to go in the draw for parcel #2 – cheers!
Congrats on two years! Would love to win parcel #2!
Congratulations on your two year mark 🙂 I’d definitely have to say parcel #1 – that fabric is me to a T and I’ve had the pattern on my list to pick up next time I’m at the fabric store, but I just haven’t made it there. Thanks so much for such an awesome giveaway!
Yay for two years of sewing blogging!
I would love Parcel #1.
I recently sang the collective praise of the CSC to Collette/Sarai. I’m so glad I found you! It is inspiring to find people with my same pattern fitting issues.
happy two years! I would love to win either of these, they both look fab! thanks for the chance 🙂
Happy blogiversary! I would love to win package #1. I’ve been lusting after all of Mary’s versions of that pattern, and I love that fabric! You have such good taste.
I recently started sewing clothing for myself. Finding your blog on the Curvy Sewing Collective has helped keep me inspired. I love the fabric in parcel 2.
Happy blogiversary! I’m a new follower via CSC but I’ve enjoyed your blog so far 🙂 If I were a lucky winner I would choose parcel 1, I could really do worth a nice shirt dress.
Congratulations…and thank you for solving the mystery of Mrs Hughes! I’ve wondered about it. Yours is one of my all time favourite blogs, I love your posts and clothes.
Parcel 2 is my pick, the colours on the voile are scrumptious.
Awe, what a sweet picture! Thank you! 🙂
I like parcel #1 the most. The fabric is beautiful!
Found your blog via CSC and enjoy reading it and your historical posts! So congratulations on your 2 years. Parcel #2 would be my pick, the voile looks lovely x
Although both are gorgeous, parcel 1 would be my top pick. Thank you for your generosity . In a previous life we had a border collie. She was a awesome dog but I can’t imagine having more than that at a time. It must have kept you on your toes,
#1 in the smaller size range please. So great that you are doing a giveaway for your blogversary!!!
I like parcel 1. Thanks so much for the nice giveaway.
Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!
I love reading your posts. Your dresses are adorable!
I’d like to be entered in Parcel 2. Emery dresses are pretty fantastic.
I just ordered some inexpensive eyelet from Morex fabrics to try my first M6696 (hopefully wearable) muslin. So, I would like to be entered for the Emery.
Congratulations….. Both patterns and fabric are wonderful, but my choice is Parcel #2. Thank you for this opportunity.
Congratulations! It’s so nice to know there are people like you in the world who look after abandoned animals. I love you blog and am constantly inspired by it. Since I already have the vogue pattern (but not the guts to try it yet) I’ll pick the Emery if my name is drawn.
Congratulations 🙂 I hope you continue to blog about sewing for a long time, I love seeing all your creations. It’s very inspirational!
I love #2, the fabric is lovely and I’d like to give the emery pattern a try.
Happy Blogiversary! I’ve followed your blog for awhile now and I always look forward to your posts. Great sewing, great writing and great photos :). Both packages look great, but I’d choose #2 given the choice!
Congratulations! And thank you for the lovely giveaway, both packages are gorgeous but I think I prefer parcel #1. I would love to make that shirtdress, I’ve heard so much about it!
Happy Blogiversary – It just happens to be my birthday too! Its really nice of you to remember that you have readers from outside the US 🙂 Hello from Australia – I’d love the parcel # 2, I already have the shirtdress pattern sitting at my pattern table waiting for me to have time to sew it up!
Thank you for blogging in general, its inspirational to see the dresses you sew up and I really appreciate you posting about how you grade up, its one of those things I just don’t feel confident in, but you make it look easier than I thought. Thank you 🙂
Congrats on your Blogiversary! I’m very excited for things to come… 😉 I’d be over the moon to win the Emery package. I’ve been oogling Dolly Clackett’s Emery’s for a while now and have been wanting one of my own. Plus: that fabric is so pretty!
Happy Blogiversary to my cyber-friend from the old anthro days! Both parcels are lovely and would be perfect to help dust off my sewing maching 🙂
Congrats on your blogiversary! Your blog is one of my favorites: I never miss a post and am always curious to see your next project.
Since I already have the pattern from parcel 1, I’ll pick Parcel 2 (and maybe this will be the kick in the pants I need to finally try my hand at grading up a pattern!)
Me! Lol
I wish you a very happy Blogiversary. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing all your lovely creations. I’ve actually got both of the patterns already, I’ve made the Emery several times already, the McCalls is waiting for the right fabric, so I wouldn’t really mind, not winning, but I do adore the fabric accompanying the McCalls pattern, so it would be great to win the first parcel. Cheers
Have a great Blogiversary! Thank you for doing the giveaway…I would love to win #1 🙂
Very Happy Blogiversary! I would love to get my hands on McCall’s 6696 as we can’t get it here in the UK and that fabric is the bee’s knees! x
Happy blogiversary, lovely lady! No need to enter me in the giveaway as I got the last pattern you gave away. Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your contribution to the sewing blogosphere!
Happy Blogiversary, Tanya. Thank you for such an entertaining and informative blog. Plus, i get to see all your lovely dresses. What a generous giveaway, so ha to choose but I have heard awesome things about the Emery so #2 would be fabulous. Xx
Happy Blogiversary!!! I’m so glad you started blogging about sewing (not that the four legged kids aren’t important because they are). You are an inspiration and a huge help (you make it before I do). Cheers for many more posts Mrs. Hughes. 🙂
I am most partial to Parcel 1. I love the border print and the pattern!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! 😀 Happy birthday, Mrs. Hughes! 🙂
I concur that the SBC community is awesome and sewing people are the best people. 🙂
I adore the silk/cotton voile. So, parcel #2 it is. 🙂
I love your blog and the beautiful things you make. How exciting for two years of sewing blogging…congratulations! How kind of you to let us join in on the celebration. I’d love to win parcel #1!!