Alien eyes! This is what my scleral lenses look like when my optometrist puts yellow dye in them to check the fit.
I sew with a bit of a disability as I have a degenerative eye disease called keratoconus. Keratoconus (KC) affects the way light comes into my eyes and causes photo-sensitivity, double vision, halos and very blurry vision in my eyes. My KC is in it’s severe stage, which means that if it progresses much further, I will be facing cornea transplants in each eye. Fortunately, I was able to be fitted with innovative new lenses called scleral lenses which act as a type of ocular prostheses and give me clear 20/20 vision. I am so thankful for my ophthalmologists and my optometrist at UC Davis for giving me back my sight. My vision was so frustrating before these lenses and I basically got my life back thanks to them. And as an added bonus — no more glasses — which is why you may notice earlier photos of myself in specs. 🙂