There are many creative folks who I interact with here in the blogosphere. I was wondering if any of you can give me a little advice on projects for kids. My husband is an elementary school teacher and I’ve volunteered to come and teach his class how to make something for Christmas – a gift for their parents perhaps or a decoration. This activity would need to be fairly simple for kids to make and not take too much time and also not be so girly that the boys wouldn’t want to participate. These kids are in a combined 5th/6th grade class. We don’t have any children yet and my nieces/nephews and friends’ kids are mostly under that age, so not certain what would be a good project. I’m willing to do prep work for this project, too, btw, and buy things for them. Any thoughts are appreciated! I am not doing this until December, so plenty of time to plan and gather materials.
Thanks in advance!
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I remember when I was about 10/11 we sewed stuffed Christmas decorations in class. To keep it gender-neutral, we got to pick a stencil (there were stencils for both boys and girls) and made them out of Christmas fabric. Another thing we did was make Christmas themed paper boxes then make Christmas lollies/biscuits to put in the paper boxes 🙂 If I remember correctly, one box was a cube coloured in like a chimney and the lid had a Santa on it.
What about Gods Eyes? That is what we call them in England. They are on lollipop sticks in a cross and you weave around them and they can be hung up. You could do Christmas colours of wool and then you can stick sequins and things on for the girls! If you have no idea what I mean I can send a photo as we have some being made at the moment for our Heritage Traditions in Darlington display. …. Patons and Baldwin wool was made here. Hope that is an idea! I am sure Children love all crafts!
Finger knitting! It goes down a treat even with boys! But make sure they bring along a bulky sort of wool as it knits up quicker and they see their results. There is also a way to do finger knitting on all 5 fingers of one hand – there are you tube tutorials for this. But whatever you do, I am sure you’ll do a great job!
I’ll have to look that up! Thanks,Nessa!
I remember loving to make string art at that age. Hammers and nails… noisy classroom… boys will love it!
I don’t remember if I’ve ever done anything like that. I will look into that! Thanks, Tamryn!