Oh, no, not another ESP dress!
Yep…. I’m stuck in a rut, but a glorious rut it is… one where I can sew a dress in a day of any novelty fabric that I fancy. No. I can’t get enough of this dress!

[source: Decades of Style Patterns]
My fabric is a Japanese Kokka cotton voile in black from Hart’s Fabrics. It also originally came in a teal and pink. It’s described as a French Bulldog print, but some of the dogs definitely look like Boston Terriers, and being a Boston fancier, of course I had to have it. That and POLKA DOTS. Who could resist?
Perhaps you’re also wondering what the term “brachycephalic” means. It’s basically the term for dog breeds that are short nosed and flat faced. Bostons and Frenchies being descendants of English Bulldogs are two such breeds. I have two Bostons and my parents have a Boston and a Frenchie, so yep, I come from a family of brachy dog lovers.
I’ve had this fabric for a while now and it’s been waiting in the wings to made into a dress. The perfect time to make it of course was for the Crazy Dog Lady Challenge! Yes, I finished my dog lady sewing! Or at least part of it…. It’s been very warm here in NorCal lately and I have no aspirations to sew either my Rigel Bomber nor a flannel nightie and I’m doubtful the dogs want to be swathed in flannel pj’s when it’s 70 degrees outside.
I really can’t tell you how much I love this dress! To be wearing a dress that shows my love and affection for my dogs is like a dream! Especially when one features dogs that resemble my own fur kids! Plus my fur bros! Yes…. I’m that crazy dog lady…..
P.S. I think I’m going to have to design my own Border Collie fabric in order to wear a BC dress….
Happy Dog Sewing!
- Dress: Decades Everyday ESP Dress in black/white Japanese Kokka cotton voile, made by me
- Brooch: Luxulite
- Belt: Amazon
- Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens Heart Sandals
Love the dress and your babies. I traced the ESP Dress pattern tonight, your great dresses have really inspired me. This is probably a silly question but I was wondering how tall you are? The reason I ask is I was thinking of shortening the dress to right above the knee due to the fact I’m only 5′. Do you think it would look okay at that length?
ah– I didn’t reply to this! Sorry! I’m 5’8 and add length to this. It would look great shortened to above the knee.
This dress is so cute!!! The yellow belt and shoes and especially the pin tie it all together and make it awesome! I love it!
Cute! I know this is a novelty print, but it doesn’t feel out-there. I think the neutral colors make it really versatile and wearable.
Your dress is so so cute!!! I just love it! And your Bostons…adorable! Bostons are the best! Speaking of brachycephalic, our poor Larry had one surgery for his nares at the rescue we got him from when he was 5. He still couldn’t breathe. So our “former” vet shortened his soft palate. That didn’t help and it also didn’t help that he cut it a bit too short so now Larry chokes and has a hard time when he eats. He had a third surgery (he really has breathing issues!) at Colorado State University Teaching Hospital where they opened up the other side of his nose and that has helped a lot. he still has issues and depending on his position he has to breath through his mouth. But he really is a lot better. He’ll be 10 this summer. 🙂
I love this dress, the yellow is perfect with it. My Pattern arrived today so I have a weekend of sewing coming up. Yay a perfect dress for winter with leggings and a cute cardigan.
Seriously this is bloody well amazing! And with the yellow accessories….swoon!!! 🙂
LOVE IT. If it’s working for you, Tanya, stick with it!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with reproducing a beloved pattern:) The print is so cute, and the yellow accessories really makes it pop beautifully. Your Bostons are so cute! Those little faces!
Thank you! 🙂
I absolutely love it!! Especially with the dogs, and the yellow, but mostly the dogs 🙂
Thanks, Kelly! 🙂 Yes, dogs make everything better!
Oh Tanya this is GORGEOUS. My favourite ESP yet!
Mine, too, Sophie-Lee!
This dress looks fantastic!! I especially love it with the yellow shoes and belt. Your Bostons are so great!! Love those brachy breeds!!
Thanks, Heather!!! Yep, brachy’s are the cutest! 🙂
I love your fur family! They are all really adorable! The dress looks great! If it’s not broken, don’t fix it! I just cut a pile of the same dress and blouse patterns to sew. I would much rather have a closet full of clothes I know I will wear before I start experimenting with new patterns.
Exactly, Michelle!! 🙂 Thank you!
Your hair in these pictures is crazy, ebony perfection. Love this dress.
Awe, thanks, friend! 🙂
Tanya! This looks great!!! I love the pop of color on the black and white!!
Thank you, Gabriela! I thought it needed something more than just white or black with it!
This is awesome! I need some dog fabric! I just traced my pattern last night, I’m trying to resist the urge to skip the muslin stage and jump right into a fun print. I’m thinking about trying to lower the neckline a bit (I’m so short-waisted that I have trouble with higher necklines), but it seems like to make it work I would also have to widen the neckline to make the sleeve seam correct or somehow alter the sleeves. Maybe I’ll just leave well enough alone! I can’t remember, is this the length as designed or have you shortened it?
You might to sew it a muslin up with the sleeves and bodice and then adjust the neckline in that way. Maybe finish the neckline with bias tape rather than the facings so you don’t have to alter the facings. I add about an inch to the length with a narrow hem.
Wow I love this dress!! Love how it’s a novelty print but still looks totally sophisticated. Wear it, crazy dog lady!
I’ll wear it often!! I’m getting totally obsessed with Kokka prints. Just found another on linen that I’m coveting!