Hello Everyone!
It’s been quite an amazing journey for this years’ Dress Like Your Grandma challenge. It’s been so heartwarming reading your family stories and experiences as you’ve shared your projects with family members. I’ve loved getting a peek at your photo albums and watching you recreate treasured photographs. Although the basis of this challenge is recreating a family members’ photo (not just your grandma or a female), but it’s open to interpretation. Some of us don’t have photos of our “grandmas” and use memories or photos of garments that remind us of our loved ones. Others choose to recreate an advertisement or an outfit that a celebrity wore. These are all part of the spirit of this challenge. I very much enjoyed DLYG2 and look forward to hosting this vintage sewing challenge again next year. Thanks also to our generous sponsors! <3

Megan of Show and Tell Meg recreating her grandma’s outfit with a Tilly & the Buttons Mimi blouse and Sewaholic Hollyburn skirt

Margaret recreating her Grammy Myrt’s dress from a photo of her grandma with her three sisters, using a vintage mail order bodice pattern paired with the Cashmerette Lenox skirt.

Andie of Sew Pretty in Pink recreating a photo of her grandma with Simplicity 8084.

@marieloumarble recreated her mum’s Auntie Annie’s dress using Butterick 6363.

Cheryl recreated her grandma’s dress using Burda shirtdress 08/2013 #138.

Claire recreated her grandmother’s wedding dress using a Reconstructing History pattern. She then posed with both her husband and her dad.

@sewingthedecades in a recreation of her grandma’s outfit.

Nikki of Wanderlost recreated her grandmothers’ dress.

@quantumbetty recreated a dress of her grandma’s.

@drusmumdoes recreated a photo of her mum’s using Simplicity 8445 for the blouse and self-drafted gathered skirt.

@nerdysemptress made a shirtdress like each of her grandmas would have worn.

Elizabeth recreated an outfit from a photo with Clara Bow from the 1930’s.

Karen of the House of Wilson recreated a photo of her mom using an altered Cashmerette Upton dress.

@mbf_meanbutfunny recreated an outfit of grandma’s using McCall’s 3029 and and the Megan Nielsen Banksia. She’s posing with her grandma, too!

Beth of @tailoredoccasinswis made an outfit inspired by her grandma using Lekala 4578 and recreated her photo.

@raquel_sewtospeak recreasted not one dress, but TWO, using photos of her aunts as inspiration.

Nita made a shirtdress using McCall’s 6696 that would fit right in with a photo of her great grandparents.

Kristine recreated a wrap swirl dress like her grandma used to wear.

Sara’s grandma was a model in the 1940’s and she recreated one of the dresses that she wore.

@paulina_mae22 recreated a dress of her grandma’s using the Sew Over It shirtdress pattern.

Caroline recreated a dress and photo of her Oma using Vogue 9000.

Treasure recreated a dress of her mother’s using New Look 6501.

Jessica of Always a Crafty Lady recreated an outfit of her grandma’s using an Ottobre blouse and the Scroop Fantail skirt.

Alyssa recreated a dress of her Meme’s using a pattern from Gertie’s Ultimate Dress Book.

Maranda made an outfit of her husband’s grandma using EvaDress D40-4662 for the dress and Butterick 6379 for her jacket and posed with husband to recreate the photo.

Coralie made a dress of mom’s using the same vintage pattern that her mom used and then posed with her.

Kathy recreated a photo of her great grandfathers’ second wife using the Black Snail Fan Skirt and the Sense and Sensibility Beatrix Shirtwaist pattern.

@knitrix recreated a photo of grandmother using selvedge fabric strips to make a hula skirt.

@stitch_and_kitch recreated a dress from a 1959 pattern magazine.

@harazhandmade recreated a dress of her mom’s.

@stewardesstiffany recreated a photo of her mom.

Karina of @liftingpinsandneedles created a blouse inspired by both of her grandmothers’ styles.

Mary in a recreation of her aunt’s dress.

@francespretoria recreated two looks of her Nana’s. A dress using the Love Sewing Libby Dress and an outfit her grandma wore many times using Simplicity 1166 and Simplicity 8130.

Brooke of Retro Novella recreated her grandma’s dress using the Jennifer Lauren Afternoon Dress pattern.

@nadiasewing created a dress like her grandma would have worn using a dress from a 1959 Montgomery Ward catalog as inspiration. She included a photo with her grandma, too.

@therukest recreated an outfit of her Grandma’s, making a latticework blouse.

@sarajoliecreates recreated a dress of her great grandma’s using Simplicity 8248.

@stitchy.femme recreated a dress of her grandma’s using four different patterns and recreated the photo, too!

@owlalwaysbethereforyou created an outfit of Slue Foot Sue’s, inspired by her grandmother Harriet’s love for the character.

@ecarolinewalters recreated a dress of her grandma’s using Vogue 9265.

@thatvintagegypsy recreated a photo of her grandma’s, using Butterick 5951.

@fuzzyvonkisses recreated two dresses of her grandma’s, using Butterick 5951 for her paternal grandma and Simplicity 8242 for her maternal grandma.

@matkailijakirppu recreated an outfit of her grandma’s using a Burda blazer pattern.

Mena of @makethislook recreated a photo of her grandma, including designing fabric like her grandma’s dress.

@ofermesew recreated a dress of her grandmother Edith’s, using the Sew Over It Eve dress pattern.

@littleantiqueme recreated a blouse of her grandma’s.

@1940’s.miss.kim made a dress from a vintage Hollywood pattern.

Ms B Reed in dresses like her grandma would wear.

Delores in a dress inspired by her mom and made from a Sew Over It pattern.

Me in a vintage Simplicity patio dress pattern inspired by my grandma’s square dancing dress.
*Note: If I have missed your DLYG entry, please let me know ASAP before a use a random number generator to choose the participant’s prizes.*
So wonderful! I absolutely loved seeing these photos! Everyone did such an amazing job! ❤
Oh, how wonderful to see all the outfits! And so many of these gals look a lot like their foremothers. It’s really amazing. Beautiful work, all!
These are great! The outfits are spectacular and it is fun to see the family resemblance in many of the photos!
This was so fun to watch. I just couldn’t fit it in but maybe next year….I know what I want make. I’ve always wanted to recreate my great grandma’s wedding dress which was separates and worn to oblivion afterwards.
I love everyone’s outfits!! I wasn’t able to complete mine on time (I got a promotion at work half-way through the challenge and suddenly found myself with a lot less sewing time), but I do plan on finishing it eventually!
These are so impressive! I can’t believe how spot on some of them are, and the ones that are “inspired” are fun too. Great job to all!
Oh! All the sewing projects are so lovely! 🙂
So much fun!
Everyone did such a great job! I really enjoyed seeing all of them, and could not pick a favourite if I had to. Such fun.
So many beautiful creations – what a fabulous challenge. 🙂
All of them were great! It was fun to do and see everyone’s outfit. Thank you for the challenge. Looking forward to next years.
I had
a great time planning, sewing and photographing my entry . Thanks for hosting ! I love all the fabulous entries.
Wow! What amazing entries! Thanks for hosting again!