Oh, no, not another ESP dress! Yep…. I’m stuck in a rut, but a glorious rut it is… one where I can sew a dress in a day of any novelty fabric that I fancy. No. I can’t get enough of this dress! Yes, my friends, my fourth Decades Everyday ESP Dress. No difference here, really, […]
The Wild West ESP Dress
Howdy, Friends! Yep, it’s another ESP dress! I’m a bit addicted to this pattern at the moment and as it’s super fast to make, I got inspired and made another! Georgina posted this photo on Instagram the other day from Emily and Fin and I just had to have one similar. In fact, I went […]
The Poppy ESP Dress
Hey there, friends! It sure feels like spring around these parts! Quite apropos for this dress, me thinks! This is one of the fabrics that came before the pattern. (You know — “what came first, the fabric or the pattern?”). This large scale print needed a pattern as wonderful as it is to […]
The Star Trek Dress
Hello, friends! Yep, I’m sharing a wee bit of my geek love today! 🙂 I’ve had this fabric lingering in my stash for a few months now and the unseasonable warm temps here in CA lately have inspired me to cut into it. That and my need to sew the ESP pattern up ASAP! […]
Sailors are My Weakness [The Dorothy Lara Dress]
Hello friends! Here’s a bit of a special treat today as I finally get to share this dress that I’ve been lusting after [in my head] for a couple of months now! This is the 1940’s Dorothy Lara Dress pattern by Decades of Style. It’s a 1940’s style raglan sleeved dress with gathers […]
A Red Bonnie and a Polka Dot Chiffon Skirt
Hello, friends! Oh, how I love polka dots! And red! Red is one of my colors and I don’t wear it that often. I tend to stick with my beloved greens, but pretty much any color is one that I’ll wear. The ones I tend to stay away from are greys and khakis as they […]
The Jenny Lee Dress [Simplicity 1459]
Hello, friends! I’m happy to share this retro shirtwaist dress with you! This dress is inspired by this lovely striped shirt dress worn by Jenny Lee in Call the Midwife. I couldn’t find any photos online, so these are screen captures from season 3. I used Simplicity 1459 to make my dress, along with […]
A 1950’s Embroidered Peasant Dress
Yay! After over a year from planning to finishing — I’m finally done with this dress! This dress was in my mind long before I found my vintage pattern. I’ve been in love with 1950’s peasant dresses for a long time and now I have one perfectly suited for ME. It’s like a dream that […]
A Green Bonnie Sweater + a Pindot Skirt
Hello, friends! Fall arrived in my neck o’ the woods and I’m starting to think more about sewing with sweater knits and wool fabrics. A storm rolled through here on Halloween leaving us some snow in the high country and very much needed rain to the drought stricken foothills where I live. Today, I […]
A Geranium Print Tie Strap Dress from 1953
Hello, ladies! It’s time again for a retro pattern! This is Retro Butterick 5708, a full skirted dress with tie straps from 1953. I was perusing my hoard collection of retro patterns a few months ago when I came across this pattern. I was very much drawn to the one shoulder look and thought it […]
A Nautical Bronte + a Denim Peggy
Hello friends! I’m on board with a bit of nautical inspiration with this top and skirt! This is the Bronte knit top by Jennifer Lauren Vintage and the Peggy skirt by BlueGingerDoll. For the Bronte, I used a navy/white stripe knit that was in a mystery bundle from Fabric Mart. I am not well versed […]
A Bit of a Retro Playsuit: Bronte + Tap Shorts
Greetings, friends! I’ve been working on my summer vacation wardrobe and shorts were definitely on the menu! I’m not sure if my outfit is exactly a playsuit, but both patterns are definitely reminiscent of the 1950’s and are perfect to wear whilst participating in playful activities! My top is the lovely Bronte knit top from Jennifer […]
A Retro 1950’s Raw Silk Suit
Hey there, friends! I’m back again with another outfit — this time a three-piecer! This is the next stop on the Blue Ginger Doll Betsy and Ava blog tour! First off, sorry I am a bit late in the day with my post! I just got over a horrible case of strep throat and have only […]
A Blue Floral Betsy
Hello there, folks! I’m back again with another skirt! This time, the Blue Ginger Doll Betsy! I was fortunate to be one of the pattern testers for this new pencil skirt pattern as part of the Curvy Sewing Collective. This was my first time using a Blue Ginger Doll pattern and I am HOOKED! […]
An Orange Blossom Laurel
As promised, I have some things to share that aren’t website related! My new orange blossom linen Colette Laurel! I have actually had this pattern sitting unused in my sewing room since it came out. I had plans to join the Laurel sewalong, but was busy at the time and didn’t make it happen. Since […]
Sew for Victory: The Grandpa Dress
Hello friends! It’s time to unveil this year’s Sew for Victory dress! If you aren’t aware, Sew for Victory is a 1940’s sewing challenge hosted by the lovely Rochelle at Lucky Lucille. This dress is a bit different than others that I have made as it honors my grandpa. My grandpa was a decorated […]
“These people were of a dark tawny colour, and had long black hair; they chewed a great deal of beetle, and wore a square piece of cloth around their hips, in the folds of which was stuck a large knife.”
You may have noticed that this post’s heading is slightly different than usual…. That’s right folks, it’s time to show you my Sew Dolly Clackett dress! If you haven’t heard, this a contest to celebrate Roisin’s (Dolly Clackett) awesome style in celebration of her upcoming nuptials. As with all things lately, I was a wee […]
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